I’d like to read from you-

I will never divulge or share your e-mail address with any other person or entity through any media, unless you ask me to do so, or give permission to do so. Your name, or any other personal information, is not required.

If there is a topic or subject you’d like me to write about, please let me know. If I feel comfortable in doing so, I probably will. Mainly, I will avoid writing subject matter unless I feel appropriately familiar with it, however, I’m not completely averse to lending my opinion on things.

If you have a question, a complaint, an argument, or so on, take all the latitude you want and tell me about it. Please remember that I have no team helping with this site, so I may not be able to answer every e-mail. But, I’ll do as I am able.

Do you need prayer? Scripture adjures us to pray for each other, so I’ll do that as I am able. Your e-mail is absolutely private. I will never share it with any other person through any media whatsoever. The only time I’d share any information is when you specifically ask me to. That is, if you wish me to share your request with fellow believers whom I trust.

Please contact me here : opendoor@jerunfranklin.com

If you’d pray for me, as well, I would be grateful. My desire is to provide sincere, well reasoned, discourse set on the foundation of Holy Scripture, and to ensure it is as accurate as I can make it.

Thank you!